• 50th Wedding Anniversary
    6/30/24 - John & Louise Steckbeck
    7 FADE
    50th Wedding Anniversary 6/30/24 - John & Louise Steckbeck
    Fundraiser for Christ Child Society 5/10/24 - Groovy 60s and 70s Fundraiser
    Easter Egg Hunt 3/31/24 - Easter Egg Hunt
    Easter Bunny 3/31/24 - Easter Bunny with Fr. Ed
    Easter Vigil 3/30/24 - Easter Vigil Mass
    Fish Fry Success 2/16/24 - Fish Fry
    Fish Fry 2/16/24 - 1st Fish Fry of Lent
    Teens Bowling and Pizza 2/11/24 - Teens bowling at Mel's
    Happy 20th Anniversary 2/10/24 - Darlene and Ernie Francois
    DCYC 2024 2/3/24 - Teens at DCYC at Waco Convention Center
    Happy 15th Wedding Anniversary! 12/17/23 - Congratulations Lorena and Marco Sanchez
    Happy 50th Anniversary! 12/17/23 - Congratulations Christina and Onnie
    Hats for 4th graders 11/28/23 - St Mary Prayer Shawl ladies delivered 140 hand-knitted hats to Lago Vista 4th graders
    Thanksgiving Food Drive 2023 11/20/23 - The community food drive gave away 106 meals to families.
    Thanksgiving Food Drive 2023 11/20/23 - Grateful for a supportive and caring group of individuals and organizations working towards a shared goal.