On 05/29/2020 Christ Child Society donated layettes to Gianna’s Closet is where Mothers can come and get baby items and layettes.
On 03/02/2020 we are material girls, living in a Christ Child world!
On 12/02/2019 Christ Child Society members enjoyed a beautiful day for sewing baby things at Christ Child Sewing Shack.
Christ Child Society meets the first Monday in the PAC at 9:30 a.m.
See Linda Foerster for more details
“Nothing is ever too much to do for a child. ” – Mary Virginia Merrick – founder
Christ Child Society of Texas, Capital Area, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization open to members of all faiths. Our motive and spirit is a love for the Christ Child, expressed in fellowship and service to our community’s youth who are most in need of spiritual, physical, emotional, or economic support, regardless of race or creed. All members have a respect for life and the desire to help a child.
Nationwide, all Christ Child chapters have a common service project of providing layettes to mothers of newborns in need. In addition, each chapter responds to the unique needs within its own community. Capital Area members provide bereavement gowns, hygiene packets for disadvantaged elementary students and for homeless middle school and high school students, and caps & gloves to elementary school students in need.
Mary Virginia Merrick founded the Christ Child Society in 1887 as a national volunteer organization dedicated to helping children in need. Mary was born November 2, 1866 to a prominent Washington, D.C. family. Given her family’s privileged circumstances, Mary could have expected to live a comfortable life. Tragically, at the age of 16, Mary suffered a fall and was confined to her bed or wheel chair for the remaining 72 years of her life. In the 1800’s, much of Washington, D.C. was a city of unpaved roads, slums, and filth. There were many destitute families. Mary was moved by the extreme poverty she witnessed and began to search for a way to help the poorest children in the D.C. area. It was during her physical suffering that Mary Virginia Merrick reached out with confidence and love to God seeking His guidance. She refused to let her discomfort interfere with her calling to work on behalf of needy children. Immobilized on her back, Mary stitched with infinite patience the first layette, comprised of clothing and necessities, for a newborn child living in poverty.
This simple gift set in motion a vision of philanthropy that would result in a nationwide movement, the Christ Child Society. Today the movement that Mary Virginia Merrick began over 125 years ago has become a federation of 43 chapters with a membership of over 6,000 volunteers organized to meet the contemporary needs of America’s neediest families. Our chapters offer our members opportunities for active volunteerism in their communities and allow them to share their own “faith in action.”